Recent Activities

November 2015

Springkicks Course in Kawasaki 

November 2015

Springkicks Course in Kawasaki 

August 2015

Summer Intensive Course in Toronto


The participants came to Toronto from various countries such as Japan, Australia and Mexico to join the course.


This photo was taken at the Graduation Dinner on the last day of the course.

We are all smiling!!!

We are looking forward to seeing all of you again soon.

July 2015

Kungfu Workshop in Kawasaki


In July, our instructors took on a project to teach different students in places other than their regular class locations.


This photo was taken just after Sifu Naoko, an instructor in Aichi Prefecture, taught her amazing kungfu class in Kawasaki City.

December 2014 

Springkicks Course in Kagoshima

Participants from Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Toyokawa, Costa Rica, Canada, Australia and Mexico all gathered in Kagoshima City for a vibrantly international course. Everyone is sitting up straight and perhaps slightly nervous for the picture?

 December 2014

Springkicks Course in Kawasaki 


"Springkicks" is a type of Notherhen Shaolin Kungfu that is also known as "Tantui"

The arm and leg strikes are vibrant and full of energy.

Here, everyone makes their favorite kungfu pose for the picture.

September 2014

Springkicks Course in Paris


In the center of the second row is Grandmaster Emiko Hsuen, the course instructor. In the red kungfu suit is the Paris course organizer, Sifu Hubert. Those surrounding them are the course participants.

S'il vous plaît une tasse de beaucoup de lait du café au lait.

(May I have a cup of cafe au lait with extra milk, please?)

 This French lesson came in very handy during our time there.

 What a second…who was that?

 Je m'appelle café au lait.

  (My name is cafe au lait) …Who said that?